How To Use Application Insights for Python with Custom Log Levels

Use Application Insights for Python with Custom Log Levels

Today we want to have a look at Python and Application Insights to centralize and unify our log streams. Furthermore, we will talk about how to create custom log levels and ensure the correct log severity in the Application Insights portal. Introduction While working with Python you will reach the […]

azure ml experiments

Azure ML environment with custom docker image for training and deployment

Hello everyone, today i would like to talk about Azure ML Environments with custom Docker images and the pitfalls which may arise. Introduction In any machine learning project, you encounter the challenge to ensure an consistent environment for your experiments, training and deployments. Differences in the environments are likely to […]

Conditional steps in Azure Pipeline Templates

Ever encountered the following situation? You have an Azure Pipeline which uses templates to encapsulate repeated tasks? In this templates you have defined steps which should only be executed conditionally based on dynamic conditions? For example, you build some artifacts and want them only published if the pipeline is triggered […]